Yellow Morel (Morchella esculentoides) Sawdust Spawn

Item No. SMEL
Availability: Out of Stock
Buy 2 or more for $23.00 each
Buy 8 or more for $20.00 each
Buy 11 or more for $16.50 each
Buy 50 or more for $12.50 each
Buy 100 or more for $10.00 each
Out of Stock

We have been working with Morel cultivation for years. Some trials are successful, but never to the point of honest, abundant reproducibility. This year, we are passing the cultivation baton to you, along with our best to-date instructions. This spawn is not warranted to produce mushrooms, but is a fine bag of hope to experiment with.

This is the classic Yellow (white) Morel (Morchella esculentoides) is frequently found in apple orchards, under Elm, Ash, Cottonwood and other hardwoods including Oak. It is occasionally collected in vegetated suburban yards that have seen some disturbance or decline of a shade tree in recent years past. We recommend inoculating the spawn into mineral soils that have a fairly high percent amount of organic material and have been mulched after inoculation, so a little prep work may be required. The spawn can also be "mass planted" in beds (we recommend fall planting for this method), or in individual spots that appear to be promising (fall or spring planting recommended for this approach).

Recommended planting rate: 5. lb bag will inoculate about 10-20 sq ft. Includes spawn and instructions.

Volume discount pricing applies to large (5 lb.) bags of any sawdust spawn variety (mix or match):

1 bag: $26.00
2 - 7 bags: $23.00 ea.
8 - 10 bags: $20.00 ea.
11 - 49 bags: $16.50 ea.
50-99 bags: $12.50 ea.
100+ bags: $10.00 ea.