Shiitake - Cumulus™ (Lentinula edodes) Sawdust Spawn

Item No. S613
Availability: In Stock
Buy 2 or more for $23.00 each
Buy 8 or more for $20.00 each
Buy 11 or more for $16.50 each
Buy 50 or more for $12.50 each
Buy 100 or more for $10.00 each

This Wide Range strain was developed specifically for the High Speed Method but is also a wonderful strain for basic outdoor cultivation. If you are looking for a log-grown Shiitake that produces large thick-capped mushrooms, this is the strain for you. Cumulus™ is capable of producing individual large, thick-fleshed mushrooms that may weigh as much as 3.5 oz., which can be fruited either naturally or via forcing during the spring and fall seasons (or even indoors during the winter months). Cumulus is capable of fruiting the fall of the year of inoculation, particularly in warmer climates. It does not respond well to forcing outdoors in the summer. Not all of the mushrooms produced will be huge, but all will be thick fleshed and delicious. Fruiting temp range is 55-72°F.

Cumulus™ is a proprietary strain and is managed to keep its unique integrity. Sold in 5 lb. sawdust spawn bags and 1,000 ct. plug spawn bags only.

Volume discount pricing applies to large (5 lb.) bags of any sawdust spawn variety (mix or match):

1 bag: $26.00
2 - 7 bags: $23.00 ea.
8 - 10 bags: $20.00 ea.
11 - 49 bags: $16.50 ea.
50-99 bags: $12.50 ea.
100+ bags: $10.00 ea.