If you are inoculating 1,000's of logs each season, the Okuda "Pegasus" Semi-Automatic Inoculation Tool will greatly increase your productivity while decreasing the time and labor costs associated with the log inoculation process. Powered by high pressure air and using sawdust spawn and a foam cap, inoculated sites can be filled and sealed at a rate of 60-70 holes per minute.
If you prefer to use wax as a sealant, a wax sealant "Pegasus" option is available as well. Forgoing the foam cap option, will require sites to be manually sealed with hot wax using daubers or the
Okuda Wax Applicator (sold separately). The amount of spawn entering the site is adjustable depending on whether a foam cap or wax is used as the sealant.
This tool requires an air compressor of 2HP or greater, and a 13.5mm diameter or US equivalent drilled hole size. Foam caps are sold separately and available in quantities of
17,600 ct. and
108,000 ct.
Please allow 30 days for delivery.