Halo™ produces mushrooms with practically zero small mushrooms or culls - great for market growers! This strain produces mushrooms that are uniform, perfectly round and solid as a car tire, but with exceptional mushroom beauty, even in warm summer weather. Spawn run is longer than other Warm Weather strains, running about 12-18 months. Fruiting temp range 45-80° F.
250 plugs will plant 5 logs, and 1,000 plugs will plant 20 logs (about 50 plugs per log, based on an average log size of approx. 40" long and 4" in diameter).
Volume discount pricing applies to large (1,000 ct.) bags only:
1 - 6 bags: $46.00 ea.
7 - 10 bags: $40.00 ea.
11 - 19 bags: $34.00 ea.
20 - 99 bags: $31.00 ea.
100+ bags: $26.00 ea.