This strain is a very good summer strain for both straw and sawdust block production. The stems on the mushrooms are longer and more tender than most other Oyster strains. Yield is slightly less than PoHu™, but its early fruiting quality is superior. Flavor is woodsy with undertones of water chestnuts. Spawn run time: 3 weeks. Fruits 45-75° F. Mushrooms can develop in warmer temps after pinning.
Volume discount pricing applies to large (4 lb.) bags only:
1 bag: $24.00 ea.
2 - 4 bags: $21.00 ea.
5 - 9 bags: $18.00 ea.
10 - 14 bags: $15.00 ea.
15 - 19 bags: $12.00 ea.
20+ bags: $10.50 ea.