Black Pearl oyster prefers sterilized, supplemented sawdust as a substrate and produces large mass of soft creamy caps. While similar in appearance to its cousin the King Oyster, the Black Pearl tends to produce more mushrooms that aren't quite as dense. Cool fruiting temperature range 55-62°F.
For Black Pearl Oyster, we recommend using 10mL of liquid spawn per 4lb bag of sterilized grain. Higher inoculation rates will result in faster colonization of grain. After grain spawn is fully colonized, expand grain spawn into supplemented sawdust to create ready-to-fruit blocks.
Usage notes: Liquid Culture Syringes come sealed with a sterile needle and alcohol wipe. Prior to use make sure to thoroughly mix liquid culture with the aid of the air bubble within the syringe. Liquid spawn is best used in tandem with a self-healing injection port bag. Use aseptic technique when working with syringe. Use within 20 days of receipt.
30 mL Syringe: $25.00 ea.
10 mL Syringe: $15.00 ea.
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