Ready-to-fruit Lion's Mane mushroom kit. Produces up to 1.75 lbs. of beautiful, toothy clusters over several months indoors. Lion's Mane is one of the more unusual mushrooms you can grow and it definitely draws attention at the farmers' markets! The mature Lion's Mane mushroom resembles a large snowball from afar or a furry head of cauliflower. When you pull apart the mushroom into bite sized pieces, it resembles king crab or lobster in taste and texture. Sauté until hot, golden and crispy and you have yourself a real gourmet delight! Lion's Mane has a wide range of temperature tolerance, but prefers 65-70° F. and humidity 85% or higher. Cellars work great! Includes instructions and recipes.
Note: Kit will start to fruit once it is brought to room temperature. To delay fruiting, especially when gifting, refrigerate upon receipt. Kit will remain dormant for up to 4 weeks refrigerated. Expect to harvest mushrooms 10-14 days after removing it from cold storage.
Set Up Video: Lion's Mane Table Top Farm Set Up Video
More Information and Tips for Growing
Once you receive your order, open shipping packaging immediately, remove kit and store as directed until you are ready to gift or use.